Effects of alcohol on the sexual power in men: the whole truth

And because that frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, even in small doses, can initiate the development of a wide range of diseases of the genitourinary system.

potency in men

Disorders that arise in the processes of sexual health the severity, of the excitation, the onset and duration of the erection, suffering from 37 to 42% of the male population aged 30 to 55 years! The decreased sexual desire affects not the best way, as sexual health and physical and emotional state of the men.

The false effect of alcohol

Representatives of a strong half of mankind often resort to the help of alcohol, bearing in mind that the drink will increase the sexual desire and give you the opportunity to prove its worth in the summit. In reality, it is one of the fiction and the myths about the use of alcohol. Even in the Ancient World, the doctors has said: "the wine awakens the desire, but the thing that makes impossible their application."

The consumption of alcohol after its consumption of alcohol, in man, in effect, it intensifies the desire of sexual intimacy. This pattern suggests the idea that alcohol improves sexual potency and erection. However, this is a great fallacy, since this reaction is only the main result of influence on the nerve endings in the nervous system of men in general. During the sexual act, the forces drop out at the most inopportune time.

The case is that after the binge on the human body is a slowing down of many processes, it alters the circulation of the blood, which at first is very active, and then its activity is drastically reduced. For this reason, in a state of intoxication, are often not as stable and prolonged erection. The blood first rushes to the penis, which is observed a rapid erection. But the subsequent drastic contraction of the blood vessels causes the opposite effect. Therefore, alcohol and power are not compatible.

How alcohol affects sexual potency in general?

The use of excessive or systematic use of alcohol has the following effects on the sexual activity and the system of men:

  • under the influence of ethanol reduces the sensitivity of the penis, which leads to erectile dysfunction, even in young people;
  • there is a decrease in the body levels of testosterone (the male hormone), is manifested in the weakening of libido and deterioration of semen quality;
  • alcohol kills over time, the seed of the tubule, which may be the cause of sterility and of being deprived of the possibility of conceiving a child;
  • changing its structure, the sperm lose their mobility, this also leads to the reproductive function of erectile dysfunction;
  • the negative influence of alcoholic beverages in the functioning of the brain leads to the violation of the normal production of testosterone in the testicles;
  • of alcohol over a prolonged period leads to complete impotence, as well as the body becoming less and less resistant to the influence which destroys the action of ethanol.

In addition to the gradual reduction of the power of alcoholism

The regular consumption of alcohol first leads to the disappearance of nocturnal emissions and erotic dreams, intermittent, healthy, not living sexual life of men 1-2 times a month. Starts to weaken or completely disappear erection.

The man who systematically drink, not always aware of the problem, taking into account the reduction of their masculine strength the result of fatigue or bad mood. Under the action of the intoxication and the ejaculation long time not come, or not at all. Along with all the other things are changing, and the nature of the sensations of a man – or not had an orgasm, or your offensive is accompanied by painful sensations. In place of the satisfaction and pleasure it produces weakness.

As well, alcohol affects sexual potency in men, until it arrives-resistant impotence. Sometimes the man can experience the feeling of a strong attraction and emotional commitment to the sexual act, but these feelings quickly pass. With time, you become an alcoholic and mentally impotent.

The harmful effects of alcohol on the male body in a comprehensive manner, and extending in the brain, therefore, the ill from alcoholism there are no longer desires, even sexual. One of the parties to the harmful effects of ethanol on the sexual power in men is and the production deficient the sex cells, which could affect the health of future children.

It is important to remember that alcohol consumption has an influence on the state of the prostate and many other organs of the men. Therefore, the existence of a link between the development of prostatitis, and the excessive consumption of alcohol is tested and scientifically validated.

The beer is the more dangerous of the drink for men

Any alcoholic beverage negatively affects the potency of men. However, recent scientific studies have proven that the most damage to the functioning of the sexual system and reproductive opportunities of males is precisely the beer.

the beer is harmful to men

Potency in men is closely related to the sex hormone – testosterone. Verily, of the hormone, the hormone of masculinity. Its opposite is the estrogen is a female hormone. How is the relationship with the beer?

Everything is very simple. The fact that the favorite of many men sparkling drunk drink contains the same hormone estrogen, that causes women women it accords to its features. This substance has the property to accumulate in the human body. Often, without the consumption of beer becomes the cause of impotence in men. It is understandable! Why is the gender of the force on the body, in which the testosterone is present more that of estrogen.

Another deception of the beer is the fastest path to alcoholism. The man falls in the dependency, he develops the so-called "alcohol beer". And the alcoholism and the power, as pointed out above, are not supported. It must be remembered that beer is also an alcoholic beverage, it is also present in the alcohol, it poisons the body of the products of its disintegration. Alcoholic beverages do not bring less damage than their heavy brethren.

Often, the consumption of alcoholic beverages becomes a kind of preparation stage for sexual intimacy. The alcohol relaxes and helps improve the man's confidence in himself. But for the extraction of the beverage, only the use, the dose should be the minimum. Although if you take into account the harmful effect of alcohol on the conception of the son to men, when planning a child, even valid dose of alcohol to undesirable. Excessive alcohol consumption is very negative effect on the sexual potency of men. This is especially true in people who suffer from alcoholism.